Six month checkup

Guess who weighs more than 18 pounds and is 26 inches tall?

The box

At first he was not amused, actually looked terrified. But eventually he started to enjoy it.

Hello sir

Connor’s Boh face

Rice Cereal

He is not a fan of the Rice Cereal.

Connor being cute

Getting ready for cold weather


chillin on the play mat

Just chillin on the play mat this am. Making all kinds of noises and batting at the toys. 🙂

Ravens gear

Connor has to show his pride to his peeps at daycare.

Connor tries out the bumbo

Connor and his cousins on Halloween

Yep, Connor wore several outfits. He usually does. He wore the 1st Halloween one to daycare, he wore the dark green dragon one trick or treating, and finally the skeleton PJs.

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